How to sync office 365 with email
How to sync office 365 with email

how to sync office 365 with email

It is possible to use an email not hosted by Microsoft in applications such as Microsoft Outlook, so double-check where your email is hosted if you encounter errors with a Microsoft email. Warning: If you are syncing Microsoft email, your email must be hosted by Microsoft. Why did my contact not receive an email?.Tag contacts unengaged 6-12 months for a re-engagement campaign.Send a re-engagement email to tagged, unengaged contacts.Remove contacts unengaged more than 1 year from email marketing.Protect your web forms from bot attacks.How your from address affects email deliverability.How unengaged contacts reduce the effectiveness of your email deliverability.How to locate and remove opt outs from email list.How to add a spam filter to Opt-In forms.Deciphering Email Marketing Metrics: Delivery vs Open Rate.Acceptable Use Policy Quick Reference Guide.Manually Start Or Stop A Campaign Sequence.Make Sure Contacts Always Complete A Sequence.Editing campaign timers while contacts are active.Connecting objects in a campaign sequence.Campaign Sequence - Email Confirmation Sequence.Campaign Sequence - Cancel Subscription.Use this password within the Postbox setup wizard. Scroll down to the App passwords section (which will only appear if you are using Two-Step Verification), and click on Create a new app password.

how to sync office 365 with email

Go to the security settings for your Microsoft account at.If you are using Two-Step Verification, then you must generate an app password for Postbox. Security - STARTTLS (if this doesn't work for you, try SSL/TLS on port 465).Click the Save changes button at the bottom.Select IMAP and/or POP, in addition to Authenticated SMTP.From the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, navigate to Users > Active users > Mail tab > Email apps > Manage email apps link.If you are the admin for this account, you can enable IMAP or POP for Office 365: GoDaddy Customers: Authenticated SMTP is not enabled by default! Please contact GoDaddy and request that Authenticated SMTP be enabled. If you can receive messages but not send them, please contact your IT Manager or ISP and submit a request to enable Authenticated SMTP. Important: Authenticated SMTP must be enabled.

How to sync office 365 with email